Thursday, September 2, 2010


Propaganda has changed a lot over time because of the new and different issues that we are facing today.  The media is constantly displaying the threats that we should be concerned with as Americans.  With all this new technology that is available today, propaganda can be even more persuasive and creative.  Technology allows images to be digitally altered or enhanced to further the effect of the propaganda.  Nowadays the pictures are so graphic and detailed that they are much more convincing.
The media today sends many messages through what is shown on television, printed in magazines and newspapers, and what we hear on the radio. There are many issues in today’s world that the media shoves at the public and demands a response.  One common issue that has had lots of propaganda surrounding it is the theory of global warming or global climate change.  There are plenty of images displaying the world with flames around it hinting at the fact that the earth is heating up.  There are also photos of polar bears stranded on floating pieces of ice in the middle of water.  Below is an example of global warming propaganda where a fish dead is laying on dry and cracked ground because the water in which it lived has apparently dried up.  These types of images send an urgent message to the public that global warming is occurring and that they should do something about it.

      Another environmental issue that has recently blown up the media is the oil spill in the gulf.  BP has been the direct target for much of today’s propaganda. Most of the images send out a negative message in regards to BP, must like the one below. 

Other oil spill propaganda does not direct their efforts towards BP but towards the bigger issue: America’s dependence on fossil fuels.  They are trying to convince Americans that the lifestyle in which they live cannot be sustained and they are calling for a more eco-friendly or green way of life.  The one below jokingly compares America to Peter Pan, but also has a BP symbol placed in the picture as well.  Another has the cartoon character Spongebob floating dead in oil filled water.


These types of propaganda focus on the issue of the environment.  People want America to realize the problems with our wastefulness and overuse of limited natural resources.  The media tells us that we should feel threatened by the degradation of our precious planet and do something about it.
Another big issue that the media displays is the problem with obesity in America.
This one particular picture is addressing the issue of childhood obesity.  It over exaggerates the size of the child to add emphasis.  It displays fast food and parents as the culprit for the issue. It is obviously trying to send the message to parents that those types of food are not good for children.  Another example of childhood obesity propaganda is this picture that is a new take of the logo for Wendy’s.

It very simply asks a question of “When will we save our children?”  This particular one is very clear as to what kind of message it is trying to get across to its audience.  It is calling for America to fight against obesity and “save’ the children.
All of these images are types of propaganda that are present today in 2010.  Each has its only special message that it is trying to send to people whether it is that global warming is a threat to life as we know it, or that our dependence on oil must stop, or that the issue of obesity is an urgent situation that needs to be addressed.

1 comment:

  1. Man, you really take good notice of what's REALLY going on in this country.
