Thursday, September 2, 2010

What is it?

           I think that a rhetorical analysis is when you breakdown a type of “text” and look at the aspects used by the author to persuade the audience.  You analyze the methods used and why the author used them.  You also think about the audience the “text” is targeting and what kind of message it is sending.  For a rhetorical analysis it is best if you categorize the different appeals into logos, ethos and pathos.  It makes locating the deeper meaning or reasoning of the “text” much easier.  The purpose of a rhetorical analysis is to figure out how the author wants to you to respond.  It will also help you figure out why the author wants you to respond that way.  A rhetoric analysis requires attention to small details and picking apart the “text”. You must think about every aspect of the material and how the author is trying to persuade you.  A rhetorical analysis should have three parts with each part discussing ways that “text” appeals either to logos, pathos or ethos.
            I plan on organizing my rhetorical analysis first by discussing my advertisement.  Then I will move on to the three basic appeals and talk about the specific details of the commercial that appeal to pathos first. The appeals in the ad to ethos are not as strong as to logos or pathos so I am choosing to do the pathos appeals first so that my paper will start strong with pathos and end strong with the logos appeal. In the first section of my paper that will discuss the pathos appeal I will include how the ad displays the actors.  I will talk about why these happy emotions shown through the actors appeal to people and persuade the viewer to buy the product.  I will also discuss how the add target women for their product and how that also makes a difference in the appeal. Second I will look at the ethos appeals present in the ad. I will include how the brand in my ad is trusted, has been around for a long time, and many people use it. I will also talk about how the fact that it is number one dentist recommended also adds to the ethos appeal. Lastly I will discuss the appeal to logos.  I will include all the logical reasons shown in the commercial to buy the product.  I will talk about how the Crest White Strips are easy to use and simple.  I’ll also mention the fact that they can be worn anywhere and that it is capable to drink water with them on.  In all three aspects I will be sure to mention how the different details appeal to me personally.  I’ll also discuss how I feel after viewing the commercial and whether or not it was effective in its primary goal. I will also be sure to indicate with appeal I found to be the most convincing out of the three. Hopefully I should be able to do a thorough rhetorical analysis of the Crest White Strips Advanced Seal commercial I found.


  1. I really like that you're starting your paper with your strongest appeal so it begins strong, just keep it that way the rest of the paper! I'm sure you will!

  2. This sounds like a good idea, I always think about whether or not I think Crest white strips would work or not and if I should buy them so its a good topic to use. I'm sure there will be a lot of examples of the appeals used throughout the commercial for you, making it easier for you to back up your argument. Good luck!

  3. Start strong hmm... I always start with my weakest point, after reading your blog I feel that I should start strong to keep my paper interesting. Thanks! And good luck on your paper.
